30 Minutes Meeting Agenda
(following morning worship service)
Latest changes to Nursery ages (infant to 3 years)
Latest changes to RC Kidz ages (4 to 7 years)
Adding New "Preteens Class ages (8 to 12 years)
Need additional teachers for Preteens (preferably a man & woman)
Effective November 10, 2024, all incoming children must be in their classrooms no later than 10:30 a.m. (to avoid interruption of the classroom teachings), otherwise your child/children will remain with their parents/guardians during worship service. All incoming nursery children must be in the nursery no later than 9:45 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. or remain with their parents/guardians). A temporary location for our newly "Preteen" classroom will be in the upstairs overflow area.
A sign-in sheet will be available to teachers for parents or guardians to sign in their child or children into the classrooms to provide us with parents or guardians name, cell phone, any allergies or health concerns that their child may have in case of an emergency. Parents or guardians must give our workers permission to change their infant, or toddler pampers, or they can come to nursery and change them. Once your child has been registered, only check-in attendance will be taken each Sunday.
All youth church workers and teachers must sign up to the church website rcchurchblmg.com and download the "Spaces by Wix" app from your play store to see and respond to any current information, events, teacher's lessons, etc.
Background checks are still pending. Myles Singleton has volunteered to assist in finding a place that we can use for this purpose.
All youth church workers will be given a copy of the Nursery "Sunday Morning Order of Service" to read and follow accordingly when overseeing the nursery.
All youth church workers are welcome to help us plan our upcoming 5th Sunday RC worship service starting in 2025. Everyone is welcome to submit your ideas. Please notify Sister Renee and Carolyn with your plans.
Finally, your Youth Director needs an assistant to help with our youth church and our planning. Please text or call Carolyn Singleton (815) 922-9455 to volunteer and to learn more.
Thank you for your time and service.
Meeting adjourned
Submitted by Carolyn Singleton